What is Camp Joshua? Quite simply, an exciting pro-life weekend camp for high school students! At Camp Joshua, we train teens to be pro-life leaders now and in the future. We know that college-age women are the largest demographic receiving abortions, and it's essential that we teach our teens what being pro-life means, why being pro-life is important, and how they can be effective pro-life leaders in their communities. In short, they need to be able to defend their pro-life beliefs.

So what can you do to help these young leaders-in-training?
- Promote! Do you attend a school, church, or homeschool group that would be willing to send students to Camp Joshua? Promoting our camp in your community is a great way to help us expand this awesome program. We can provide posters, flyers, and even a speaker!
- Attend! Send your teens to Camp Joshua! They'll learn a lot, make new friends, and have a wonderful time. We're also in need of college-aged volunteers to help as counselors at the camp.
- Donate! Unfortunately, camps don't run themselves, and your generous donations ensure that we can continue this program now and in the future. All funds raised go towards student scholarships, basic materials like binders and T-shirts, and overhead administrative expenses.
If you have any questions about Camp Joshua, our mission, the camp schedule, or how to be more involved, please don't hesitate to contact Erin at ncrtl.erin@gmail.com.
Camp Joshua 2014 will be July 18-20 in Smithfield, NC. Cost is $95 per student, which includes food and lodging, materials, and a T-shirt.