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Monday, July 9, 2012

Mitt Romn...
Right-to-Life Movement Focused on Electing 
Mitt Romney in November
Greensboro, NC – In order to protect unborn children for generations to come by electing a pro-life president in November, North Carolina Right to Life (NCRTL) PAC today announces its endorsement of Mitt Romney for President of the United States.

“The difference between the stances of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama with regard to abortion could not be starker,“ stated Barbara Holt, President of NCRTL PAC. “ Barack Obama has given us ObamaCare which provides for taxpayer funded abortions and the rationing of health care.  He has allied himself with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest single provider of abortions, to make abortions more readily available. Mitt Romney on the other hand has taken a strong pro-life position, which includes the repeal of ObamaCare.”

Mitt Romney is committed to implementing policies to protect the unborn, the medically dependent and disabled, and the elderly. Romney opposes abortion and has called the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision, "a big mistake." Romney has expressed his support of the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for abortion.

Romney has also stated he believes the Obama health care law should be repealed. The Obama health care law would open the door to federal subsidies for abortion coverage and rationing of lifesaving medical care. He has also stated that, if elected, he would reinstate the Mexico City Policy, which prevents federal dollars from going to organizations that perform or promote abortion overseas.

In comparison, since taking office in January 2009, President Obama has been an outspoken advocate for abortion and has unceasingly worked to expand funding of and access to abortion. He rescinded the Mexico City Policy, threatened to veto the entire federal spending bill – forcing a government shutdown – rather than accept a provision cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider. Obama also threatened to veto the Protect Life Act, which would repeal the abortion-expanding provisions of his health care law, and the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which would permanently prohibit any federal program from funding elective abortions.

Additionally, President Obama championed the so-called Affordable Care Act, commonly known as ObamaCare, while opposing pro-life amendments in the Senate. As enacted and upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court, the law will result in federal funding of health plans that pay for elective abortion, and will lead to large-scale rationing of lifesaving medical treatments.

“Mitt Romney is pro-life while President Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history.  NCRTL PAC looks forward to the election of Governor Romney as our next pro-life president, and urges all pro-life North Carolinians to vote on November 6 for Mitt Romney, ” added Don Daugherty, NCRTL PAC Director.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Nikita Chintalapudi, NCRTL's Oratory Contestant, Places 3rd at NRLC Competition

Nikita Chintalapudi (second from right)

North Carolina Right to Life's Oratory Contestant, 
Nikita Chintalapudi, Places 3rd in Competition

Each year, National Right to Life holds the Jane B. Thompson Oratory Contest to determine who the top orator is among the state affiliates who send contestants to compete.  The competition, held in conjunction with the National Right to Life convention, was held in Washington, DC on June 30, 2012.  

This year, North Carolina Right to Life was pleased to have Nikita Chintalapudi, an homeschooled junior from Cary, NC to represent the organization at the competition. Nikita was one of  4 finalist who gave her speech during one of the final workshop slots prior to the closing banquet. The competition was very stiff so it was especially gratifying that that Nikita was chosen as the 3rd place finisher, the highest finish for any contestant from North Carolina.  

If you are a high school junior or senior who wishes to participate in the 2013 North Carolina Right to Life (NCRTL) competition to determine who will represent North Carolina, please contact NCRTL at