11th Annual Prayer Breakfast for Life
January 16, 2010
(Doors Open and Buffet begins at 9:30 a.m. - Program starts at 10:00 a.m.)
Holiday Inn Brownstone Hotel and Conference Center
1707 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC
The cost for the breakfast is $30/person, $50/married couple, $25/students,
clergy, and seniors. Registrations can be made using MC/VISA/DISCOVER
by calling 1-800-392-6275.
To pay by check or money order, write NCRTL,
PO Box 9282, Greensboro, N. C. 27429-0282.
Featured Speaker:
Angela Franks, Ph. D., Author of Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy: The
Control of Female Fertility (2005)
Angela Franks, Ph.D., has a doctorate in theology from Boston College and an M.A. in philosophy from the Catholic University of America. She served, with her husband David, as the coordinator for the Massachusetts Catholic Conference Marriage Initiative, entitled The Future Depends on Love, and they co-hosted a series of the same name on CatholicTV. Currently she and David are the associate directors for the Master of Arts in Ministry program of St. John’s seminary, and she teaches college courses in theology for several institutions. Angela is in demand as a speaker, author, and teacher. She is the author of Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic Legacy: The Control of Female Fertility (2005). She writes and speaks on abortion, eugenics, the theology of the body, marriage, Humanae vitae, the life issues, and feminism, among other topics. She and David are the proud parents of four children.
2010 Annual Rally and March for Life
January 16, 2010
1:00 p.m.
Nash Square, Raleigh, NC
Featured Speakers:
Angela Franks. Ph. D., Author of Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy: The
Control of Female Fertility (2005) and Deanna Jones, Author of To Be a
Mother...Adopting God's Heart, will be the featured speakers.
Alyse Player will be the featured vocalist
at both events.
(corner of Hargett and McDowell Streets, Raleigh, NC)
Join other pro-lifers to stand up for life and to display proudly your church or school banner in support of life.
For information or to register for the breakfast: NCRTL 800-392-6275